Saturday, 6 April 2013

The gardening year is well under way!

So I started getting all my seed sewing bits out back at the beginning of March onto the dining room table and bit by bit I started to sow. This is always late at night around 10:30pm as this is when the baby is safetly tucked up and well asleep! As is usual I have a massive list of what I am growing! Mostly Veg and some Flowers. I have some Strawberries from last year that have decided to put down tons of runners over winter which is fab so today I have been pulling these apart and potting them up.

The plan is to do the majority of the growing in my 2 veggie boxes. But as the chicken keeping plan is on hold I am going to use the veggie patch for left overs and the big bits like Corgettes and sweetcorn as well. Spent today digging over half of the veggie patch and also digging up the compost and turning it over. It has sunk nicely and turned into lovely crumbly soil texture. Just perfect!

So this is where I started at my table ...
Here are this years plans ...

And every year I keep a notebook with dates in. What I plant - on what date - how many seeds sown and I modify my sowing based on when the seeds came up the previous year and if I need more of les seeds. Here is this years list and when sown!

Here are the seedlings!

Now for a general peek at this years gardens progress so far ...
This is a mid winter fire dog wood. The stems are going from yellow to orange to bright red at the tips at the end. This is the 1st year of its "burning" colour. Not bad and it's survived! £3 on ebay ...

Veggie box 2 - You can see the strawberries and runners. Dug over today pictures to follow ...

Box 1 ... Dug over today except the leeks which are still in ...

Here is my christmas lenten rose. Always does well and a great seeder! Want any small plants just shout! I got tons.

A view across the garden. Most bushes cut. A few tall bits where I cant reach - that will be hubbies job.

The froggies have been "at it" again ...

Some gorgeous primroses ...

And more ...

The veggie patch ... started digging --- now finished that top side. Again pictures to follow ...

Another view up the garden on the left handside. All neat :-) 

So thats it for today!! It's a'' go go gooo ... This weeks plan ... Get Aprils seeds and some summer bulbs planted! Haven't done summer bulbs before so this should be fun! Springs bulbs are only just emerging although I did plant them late in all fairness - Late December.Have a great week people! x

1 comment:

  1. Ooo, it all looks so good! I'd love to have a garden so I could plant loads of pretty flowers. :D
