Thursday, 19 May 2011

More about me ~ Crafty!

So I thought I would let you know a bit more about me. I am very craft orientated. I like to do knitting, cross stitch, jewellery making, and card making! Some I am better at than others. For example I have been knitting since I was 4 years old and recently one of my projects was a big papoose for my sister’s baby.

And jewellery making I seem to struggle with as I can never get it as perfect as I want it!

 I do enjoy cross stitch but I tend to get a bit bored with it after a while so never attempt any big projects only small things like book markets, and mini cards. I do have a big winnie the pooh one but I can't see myself doing it any time soon and if I do it might be another 10 years before this is completed!
 I really want to expand into other areas like curtain, pillow, and clothes making. I have had a go at candle making/decorating. This one is only decorated as a christmas present.

I would like to make other stuff for the home like beaded curtain tie backs, children’s toys any thing else that grabs me! To do all of this I need to get over my fear of learning how to use a sewing machine! I want to get one but I fear it will be another thing that sits in the corner gathering dust. I just won't use it enough to justify its existence.
Here are a few cards I have made for birthdays this year.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Air Freshener

So I have just interrupted myself from swish n' swiping ( the bathroom to come and post. Whilst lifting the air freshener to clean underneath I was brought to ponder upon its existence ... Who uses this stuff anymore?! I for one ... I think it is kinder on my nose as well as others using the bathroom after you! Not that I have smelly poo's being a girl! That said I do have IBS so when they are smelly the whole street can smell it! Some would open the window but that's just cold ;-) and having a nice smell makes the whole thing more pleasant and cleaner. Maybe I only use it as I was brought up with it. 
I find that my visitors never use it and I just wondered why people don't. I can't even get my husband to use it - because he "can't smell". Maybe I need to invest in a posh thing that will work when pressed on the wall or if it's triggered if it notices a smell is bad. If one exists! Maybe I need put a sign up reminding people of its existence. But I do think its time to RIP air freshener from the can.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

New blog - New diary!

So this is my new blog. I am going to treat this as a diary just without the private bits!
I am going to moan, laugh, cry, vent and even write about my hopes and dreams for my life. And a lot of waffling on! Sometimes through the day you have random thoughts that you wish you could jot down so this is the place to put things like that too.

So who am I? I am Rebekah. 29 years old. I am an proud housewife happily married to my hubby for 18 months but together for 9 years. We have a fabulous time getting to know each other, having a lazy life and not rushing into anything. The getting married 7 years in is a real give away to that ;-) We have no children but have not dismissed the idea as yet. I work from home for a well known phone/bb/tv company. I only do 20 hours a week. So I have been extremely luck to do what I really wanted to do. Not in regards to my job but to work from home and part time. I hate the whole office where there is a fight to get to the top and a good old slagging off behind peoples back and the office politics! I do not miss that at all. Whilst you still get it from working from home you are physically removed so it doesn't get to you as much as in real in person.

I do not miss the getting up early. Anyone who knows me in person knows full well I am not a morning
person! I can do 10/11am! 7/8am I just cannot do!

So what do you do the rest of your time I hear you say. Well I am very lazy. By the time I get up its not far off lunch time. I sit on my laptop and watch the wright stuff. Attend to forums, emails, facebook, etc etc. A hour or 2 over my cereal and coffee to wake up and then up to do housework. Of course by this time I only have a few hours til work unless its my day off. I need to work hard on the housework more for sure. I am good at keeping the place tidy now. I just need more of a cleaning routine! I tend to only get half the house done and cleaned and 3 rooms don't get done. Now common sense would say the week after begin at the rooms that didn't get done. But being all or nothing, perfect or sod it person this is impossible! I like perfection so I have to follow my routine and begin at room 1 again lol! One day I will learn ...

Speaking of which! Well that is a quick intro or not depending on how you view it! I shall leave more for later. Time to get on with said housework!