Wednesday, 15 December 2021

A week of two halves!

Hello Again! In this update the first half of this week was quiet and routine then second half took off and was more busy! Let's dive in ...

Monday 18th October:

Apparently today is my birthday. This is a day I always find hard as I hate my birthday. This one hits hard as I turn 40. Half way to death - If i'm lucky to survive that long - Joyful thought! Things start to sag (well already have a bit late for that), more grey hairs and wrinkles and more aches and pains, more peri-menopause symptoms. Can't see much to look forward to!  Any way ... The children were keen to throw me cards and presents as soon as we got up but I really wanted to save this until after they got in from school. It's hard to be out the house and on time as it is :-D I got up from my nap to see hubby had got me flowers and chocolate and a card. This was apparently from mother in law but I prefer to think of it as from him lol! He's never brought me flowers before - well unless they have been on the shopping list or a child has asked him to! He even chose some with nice bright cheery colours he knew I would like. So that was nice.

I did have a few wrapped pressies from hubby and the girls but I have to shamefully say that trying to remember back almost 2 months and I can't remember what I got!! I remember I liked whatever it was! I'm sure chocolate was involved ... Here are the cards from the girls. So typical of my kids! So polite!!

Annnny way!!! After school the kids let the chickens in. I had my sad lamp on as it was a seriously dark, cloudy, depressing day. The chickens loved it! They stood in front of it and started preening and cleaning themselves! Brilliant!

For tea I chose pizza hut. This wasn't what I wanted for tea but as every parent knows your life revolves around kids and you are meant to feed them. So pizza means no cooking for me and they would eat it. So win win.

Tuesday 19th October:

Today I had an email from the landscaping guys saying they could come and do our garden work starting Thursday if we want! They have had a cancellation! Gulp! Well i'm not ready for that but ok do it. Sooner it's done the sooner we can order a shed.

Other highlight from today was emptying Sophie's bag ... Full of conkers!

Wednesday 20th October:

Well here is a last look at the top of the garden before the men start tomorrow! The junk in the alleyway doesn't belong to us so don't need to worry about moving that round lol!

Oh bummer! I dropped a tin of washing powder!! Noooo! That was fun to clean up! Nothing else exciting to report for today.

Thursday 21st October:

Up early. The men have asked to come at 8 but don't show up til 8:15. I get the kids off to school as usual. The men were asking about what to do etc at literally 8:35 just as I'm about to leave the door. So by the time we had dealt with them it was 8:45 and we were totally late! So hubby shoved us all in the car quick and drove us up there! I get back and have breakies and a well deserved coffee. The sun was streaming on me through the window which was nice!


The men went home at 4 so time for a nosey at what was done! Looks like they put up the new fencing and gate. Cut through the sleeper wood that was there for the start of the new path down to the bridge. Set up the string to guide the path down, and put one retainer of wood in that will be where the shed base will go. 

Whist we are out there we give the chickens a handful of corn each.

Tea was lamb shank that wasn't that nice :( I think I cooked it a bit too long as it was a bit chewey! Shame!! The candles were nice to have on though. I love that about winter!

After tea it all went a bit mad with rough and tumble!

Friday 22nd October:

The garden men are back and don't show up until 8:30 this time. We are still up for 8 just in case they come early! 

On the way home I spot a sign about a local bonfire night. Good! I wanted to go to one! We can't have our usual at home display any more now we have chickens in the garden!

Today the garden men took delivery of hardcore, sand and cement to get on with the work. It arrived around 10am. I forgot to take progress photos of today though so you'll have to wait until the next weeks blog update for how they are doing! They go home just before 4 and will return on Monday. Which is half term ... SOB I have to get up early on half term!!

After tea hubby spends some time playing a game with J so me and Soph spend some time on a jigsaw together. We light the candles and put some nice music on for a relaxing atmosphere! Oh and eat some of mummy's birthday chocolate of course!

So that's a round up of this week! In current times and I have well and truly been thrown into Christmas whether I like it or not this past week! I've had the girls singing at the Christmas market with school on Wednesday lunch time. And then the local santa made a visit tonight around the streets on his sleigh. And tomorrow we get our Christmas tree. This has meant one has had to do some decluttering and selling of the play kitchen in order to fit a tree into a corner of the living room! Any way I better go and write another post up - or start - then get into bed! Sleep well (good morning/afternoon!) all. Keep looking up. Lots of love The Mad House Xx

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