Friday, 14 May 2021

Blog Update

Here's another bloggy woggy update! I've some what cheated as i've written this over 3 nights! I usually do it all in one go. A good job though - as whilst not as bad as last time - I am feeling somewhat ropey from having my 2nd covid vaccine today! Just mostly body aches and head feeling light headed and off - a bit of a headache but tbh it's mild over all. Took some cocodamol initially as my back was hurting so bad and I thought it was the sciatica mucking around. But once the pain spread around my body I realised it most likely wasn't that! Still i've had a good tea and a jam donut hubby got me from Waitrose so all is good with the world all in all!! Now onto last weekends action: 

Saturday 8th May:

Well today was a blurgh day! I am well and truly into Sophie's cold. I wake up sneezing 1000 times and nose running like a tap. My head is pounding and I feel like to death so reach for the beechams capsules. 

I give them an hour or so and then drag myself up to get my summer clothes out and put my winter ones away. I don't get on with my mother in law - like so many wives don't lol - so this is my way of keeping myself to myself and avoiding conflict. Call it self preservation for my mental health! When we got back from MIL's house at Easter I moved my case to Jessica's room in a "I need to do this job later" fashion. However I am now forced to do it! A) for the above reasons and B) Because I need to move my case back to my room so I can sleep in J's room - and there is no room long term for it to be a job "sitting in waiting"! By the time i'm done it's time for a lemsip and a sit with facebook. I'm not even sure drugs are touching this I feel so rough but I chuck them down any way! Sophie comes to sit with me and wants to do some knitting. She doesn't know how to knit and soon get's frustrated! 

After this I check on my seedlings I put in a few weeks back (or was it last week?!) I forget now! Any way this is where we are at ...

So it looks like we have a couple of Tomatoes popping up, Sweetcorn, all 3 Cucumbers (I only want one!), Beetroot, Lettuce and Brocalli (in all my years gardening I am yet to get one survive!!)

In the evening I write to the blog :-)

Sunday 9th May:

Well today is hubbys birthday. I slept in the big bed better than I thought I would for being poorly! Got up to hear hubby being forced to open presents in Jessica's room so thought I better relocate. 

After all the excitement we got dressed for the day and I headed into the garden. I was feeling miles better than Saturday. Still streamy but much less deathlike!

First job was to put some more wire about these raspberries as they are now showing fruit and going a little wild!

Second job was to get hubby to bash down fence 2. It was hanging and flapping around and getting in people's way. The junk in the back is the neighbours in the passage way! 

Mother in law brought a plant at a train station. She doesn't know what it is or if it's for indoors or out. I think outdoors but have no idea where I am going to put something that is going to grow into a large bush when we are trying to make the garden borders smaller.

Now onto the blinking stoney area. I am sick of this now but if I want to grow veg on my new veggie patch with nice bark instead of stones then I need to make it what I want. Here is the current progress. I am going up to this line of the sleepers as around here will be where the new path will be. My flower pots are the rough boundary line lol!

Here we go ...

These big boxes are trampoline boxes that my neighbour gave me and do the job really well!! Right up to my line - Perfect! 

It starts to rain lightly on me but it's not too heavy so I keep at it. I now want to cover the board in all the bark that I have. There is one 100 Litre bag outside the front door that was left over from last year. This took me 3 trips last time. I had to open the bag and take out 1/3 into my fold up wheelbarrow and wheel it round the street and down the back passage way! Did this 3 times. By the end it was pouring with rain. But I wanted to complete the job lol! I thought oh well i'm already wet so a bit more rain won't matter! I soon realised the wood was growing some kind of mould from being in the bag and out all winter but it looked furry like it would dry out so I chucked it down any way! 

And here's the end result. Need to buy or dig from old veggie patch - More bark!

Here I am at the end of it! All soggy doggy and muddy! 

Sophie was playing with a balloon that she insisted hubby blows up for his birthday lol! How on earth this didn't pop i've no idea!!

Right that's it all caught up! Hope your all well as surviving! Nothing else to update on here so i'll trot off! Lots of love to all. From The Mad House Xx

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