Wednesday, 5 May 2021

The garden continues ...

Knock Knock!! Whose for a midweek blog post then? Still doing catch up! lol! This is a purely garden one so if your bored of that you probably want to run away quick. If not it's not too long a post this one so quite readable :-) Hope your all keeping well. I am feeling blurgh still! The weather is just sooo rubbish in the UK right now! Sooo cold --- I "think" they said it's the coldest April in like years! Every night has been a frost somewhere around too. Such a far cry from the pictures that google photos keeps showing me of last year! We were in the paddling pool in mid 20's temperatures!! I am feeling very scared for our summer tbh. Whilst one could be optimistic and say that it could make up for it by throwing us a good summer I think we need to be realistic. This is the UK after all and we just don't get good summers here! I reckon we'll be in for 2-3 weeks of good weather and that'll be it! I do so hope I am wrong though as I want to get that sunbed out I brought at the beginning of the year!! Right enough complaining about the weather lets move on to the garden catch up! 

Saturday 23rd April:

Todays big work really is hubby sorting out the boundary between us and the neighbour. They had a big tree whose roots were moving a sleeper around to push our fence post out of place. Hubby tied string between the 2 posts so we could see where the straight line was that we needed to clear to put the fence back up into. Here is how far out it is:

In order to push the sleeper back we had to remove some plants and dig a new gully to push it into. I dug up the plants and put them in water and hubby did the digging :-D His arms were killing that night so I had to massage them. He could barely lift them from all the bashing at the ground and through the tree roots! This is the soil he dug out ...

All back in line you can see how it had pushed our post over. 

This is the offending bush ... It was later cut down to ground level. Yes the neighbours said we could lol. It had been cut down by a tree surgeon a couple of years back who said it would resprout and this looks like it's the sprout off of it. It's taller than hubby lol!

Once I had helped with tree/fence gate I was distracted by Sophie who was playing with the bubble machine. In her nighty of course ... My kids don't do getting dressed lol!

She then decided she wanted to plant some seeds so she put in some honesty seeds that the neighbour gave us from his garden. I've since realised as a twat I have left them outside so not sure they will come up as it's too cold!! I am so out of routine with all this growing seeds malarky! I didn't grow any last year and just brought plants in. So it's been 2 years now. I am rusty!

I put in some tomato seeds directly into this bag. Again they haven't come up as it's too cold. I honestly didn't expect it to be so cold for so long!!

In here went courgette ... again not come up ...

And in here Cucumber! Not come up also!

I had a oh my good lord you utter and total idiot moment ... Prior to seeing I realised that my 50:50 compost to vermiculite to compost ratio was wrong!! There was no vermiculite! I had added grow more by mistake!! Now this is quite the big mistake as you should only have a small handful! Not half a ruddy tub full! So I had to dilute it by taking half the compost out and putting into a different bag to use elsewhere. ARGH! How did I manage that? Well we have 2 growmore tubs - 1 with the GM in and another that was empty and I had used for putting a home made mix of 50:50 compost to Vermic in ready to use. What a twat LOL! Funny but also another example of what a disastrous year this is turning out to be for me!

A - I need to clear space for digging stones away to make my new veggie patch and B - It's end of season so I need to get last years potatoes up! Sophie wants to help so we get to work ...

Then she gets bored and goes in so I get onto stone removing and getting more boxes down. This involves shovelling stones and throwing onto the rest of the stony area and then trying to rake it out a bit flatter!

We are going to have a straight path from where the bridge is straight up to the fence where the gate will move to. So I need to cardboard to roughly where the right side of the bridge is. 

Sunday 24th April:

Feeling tired today so a little less done in the garden than usual. It's blinking cold out too! So I don't really want to be out there much!

Hubby adds some big concrete stones against the sleepers whilst the soil settles. And I put the plants back in we took out and water well.

Next more stones removed and more card put down. Card kindly donated by my neighbour 3 doors up the road! 

In the evening we sit down and have some relaxing family (girls only!) colouring time before bed.

Right that's it for a quick midweek bloggin'! All is well here. Will try and throw another post out Friday night so thioe of you in thee UK can look out for it on Saturday morning! LOL! Keeping looking up to the skies. Lots of love to all. Love The Mad House Xx

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