Well actually the title is misleading as it's not Sophie's birthday! It's her birthday party. Her birthday falls on the Monday after this weekend. But it's close enough! The below - Sunday to be specific - is very photo heavy so sit down with a coffee and some cake before you get stuck in! Here goes ...
Saturday 24th July:
Blurgh! It's raining!! So I do nothing but lay round the house doing ... nothing ... and playing with Sophie a tea party board game.
Once the kids are in bed I set to work setting up the decorations for her party tomorrow. We are expecting 12 children. Due to the Rona and not knowing what things were going to be like we arranged it for outdoors. However people might come in for food - a wee etc so we prep any way!
That's it all set and ready. Off to bed ...
Sunday 25th July:
The big day has arrived! We have to be up early as a big bus is arriving at 10:30am.
The kids surprise me by snuggling up to watch some You Tube together in Jessica's bed. Now this never happens! They are usually on killing each other mode.
Once up and about I set to work prepping some snacks whilst hubby trotted off to the bakery to pick up the cakes for the kids. Can't be bothered with cutting up a big cake so cupcakes it is! And blinking amazing they were!!
Half way through the bus turns up. Look at the view out my bedroom window lol!!
It's a party bus!! Sophie is mega excited!! Here's a video of some action: https://photos.app.goo.gl/tB9BHqhuiUrpZprC9
After the bus left Sophie opened some pressies from Aunty Zoe and Uncle Sean and her cousins.
As the party was in the morning we had the rest of the day ahead of us so after a good rest I went in the garden for a smooch around.
My little cuttings I took from the bushes we moved out front are doing well. Some even have little shots on them now.
I had some mint that had sprouted up in a planter so I took it out and put in a pot. I actually liked this mint so glad to keep it. It's Spearmint and has been in the family since I was a kid and mum brought it from Woolworths!
Checking on my raspberries and they are starting to pop out into the alley way and get in the way of the neighbours gate so I need to tie them up
It's still putting out fruit but i'm not picking it as no one is eating it! I will cut this side back later on in the summer. Because no one eats them and because I need to keep this side clear for when the landscapers come to put the new fence up too. We have contacted them to say we want them but awaiting a date. Last we heard was March but we took a while to take them up on it so suspect it will be longer now.
Sweetcorn is doing well. Lots of lovely green tassels
Checking on my beetroot and it looks ready. So i'm going to pick it! Need to cook it and then get it in the freezer and I want to use for bonfire night.
Still no lettuce so i've given up now. Just weeds lol!
Carrots are doing well still.
My 2nd cucumber I put in is starting to really take off now and you can see little yellow flowers
Here comes the Courgette plant ... 2 ready for picking!
Really late but I finally got round to planting my sprouting brocalli plant
Tomato plants are going up still. Got some fruit that isn't rippening yet. Have removed leaves to allow sun (hahaha!!) to get to them to ripen. If we get any!
I have tied them all up as they got taller. Accidently snapped this one look! ARGH! So that was the end of that!
Some little evening primrose seedlings have popped up randomly in loads of my pots. Whilst now looking like weeds I am secretly delighted as I've been trying to get this plant in my garden for ages!
Still got pots of plants waiting to be planted in the garden flower borders. Not quite sure what i'm going to do with them now though!
A evening primrose has even randomly popped up out of my stony area!
By the ping some little - somethings! - have popped up. No idea what it is but I know the neighbours have some. I want to say some type of Geranium? I like it though.
The pond is looking VERY wild and in need of attention massively!! Just haven't had time and with the weather being so rubbish hardly been able to get out in the garden in big style.
The neighbours plant that seeded itself in our garden is doing really well. So many flowers!
I cut back my potted lavender earlier in the year to try and get it to do something so was rewarded and surprised with how well it IS doing!
My rose is still throwing out some small buds. Doesn't look massively happy though. In the background a bush we cut down to the roots has come up again! Guess i'll be attacking that again - ha! Won't be til next year now.
My red hot poker has done something to itself! It used to be red, orange and yellow but not its only coming up as yellowy/green! I don't like it any more!!!
Fuchsia is starting to come out awesomely!
The Rudbekia I transplanted from a pot to ground is doing well and I can see a little bud for a flower coming up - Weeee!
The other plant I put it is still alive too. Forgotten what it's called!!
Right that's it for this update. Well done for getting to the end! I don't have anymore stored up to post so will need to write them all from fresh from here on. Lots of love to all - From The Mad House Xx