Monday, 7 December 2020

And we have a tweee!!

Well it's been a week since my last update. Things have gone mad! Quite, quite mad!

Monday saw 2 kids starting the day by refusing to get dressed. They even took to making a tent in the living room, pulling in their bedding and refusing to come out! Well I got them out in the end but not without drama and us being inevitably late ...!

Tuesday morning I was awoken by Sophie at 5:30am with a tummy ache. Oh no not again I thought! Expecting more sick I prepped her bed with towels and gave her a hot water bottle as requested. She still wasn't settled so I made a nest on her bedroom floor in an old cot mattress we have with and a bean bag. She eventually dropped off to sleep - without sick - at 715am. Literally as my alarm was going to go off. I reset it for another 20 mins later and finally got 20 minutes sleep from after the 530 wake up! Got up and got Jess off to school. When I got back Sophie woke up at 9am. Still no sick so I camped her on the sofa and within an hour she was asking for food. Within another hour she was bottom burping and then seemed fine after for the rest of the day! So must have been trapped windies! We were going to get our christmas tree that evening so decided to cancel this plan as she had been off school all day. She went back to school ok on Wednesday so we went off tree buying that evening.

Wednesday also saw the elf on the damn shelf come out. I hate making up ideas but last year they were really into it. So he is sellotaped into one of Jessica's lol doll containers lol

I really struggled to get in the mood and even after we got home I left them to it and got on with house stuff/school prep. We went to Brambridge garden centre. We got there to the same din as last year with the christmas carol singing penguins. They were half interesting the first year but just annoyed me this year. Maybe because I just feel out of sorts and not into this christmas malarky this year. Nonetheless I took a photo for you any way. For those of you in this neck of the woods you will realise I did this on the way out LOL. It annoyed me slightly less on the way out than on the way in LOL. Maybe I was slightly more in the mood.

The christmas section was slightly less than usual and with less people it had less of a festive feel about it. Perfectly nice and quiet for covid mind! Everyone chose some ball balls or baubles baubles lol for the christmas tree. We have a small tradition of buying a small something new every year. 

I saw these very cute looking twig lights. So tempted but the size of them put me off so I resisted. Only just though! I could also have a go at making something like this one day. I always have these ideas and save photos of things I could make but never get round to it. I can't wait until the kids get older but at the same time I feel guilty for wishing these days of little people away! 


Look at these cute christmas trees made of twigs. Again I could just make these ... Haha big ideas! 

I took a mindful moment next to this little waterfall just to calm a little and take time "out". Jess loved it too and wanted to buy it lol But not at that price! That's what the waterfall on the pond outside is for ;-)

I totally fell in love with these little wooden, glittery houses for sale. Reminded me of handmade stuff we saw when we were at christmas markets in Germany! 

I also saw this cute little display. Always good for little eyes to look at. Moving stair lift, hot air balloon going round,little lights and a train going round. I didn't take a picture but on the reverse side there was a little choir singing too.

Once we had looked around we went out to choose a tree. We opted for a smaller 5-6ft as we wouldn't be here this year and a different type. It was a bit rough around the edges but did the job! 

We had arrived around 430 so by the time we got home it was getting on 6ish so we ordered pizza hut whilst we faffed with boxes to find decorations to put on said tree. Pizza came quite quickly in the end so decorating got done after. We had all given up by then so let the kids loose with the decs with a plan to "adult" the tree at a later date! It was getting late too so I went up to deal with kid school prep etc. 

This is Sophie who wanted to cut open the tree.

Hubby lopped the bottom inch off ready to pop up and then Jess took to spraying it!

The putting of the star on the top was quite eventful! It just wasn't happening ...

Here is the finished article after it had been childed! 

Thursday saw the elf on the shelf appear again easy one. He is reading to a doll from the elf book lol!

Right that will do for this entry! I will do another one covering Friday and the weekend as both as equally eventful! It would just be too much for this one post. Hope you are all well. Sorry for the delay on post but we got there in the end! Keep smiling and looking for the skies! We might see snow ha! Well the North and East did didn't it! No such luck for us Southerners though like! Keep safe all. Xx

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