Hello Once again! Here is another blog catch up post. It's blinking hot here in the UK at the moment. It's gone up to 31c which is lush! And long over due. However it means I don't want to spend too much time with a hot laptop on my lap lol! So on with the update we go! ...
Monday 28th June:
Today is super stormy! A thunderstorm comes close but not a direct hit. It slides down the East of us. Even so me and Sophie make great uses of it and still get excited!
On my way to school run you can really tell something is building as the sky is full of convective towers.
Tuesday 29th June:
I wake up to my bed mate once again. This is now a daily occurance. I'm still in so longs she sleeps I don't care where she sleeps mode ...!
Wednesday 30th June:
Went up to pick some fruit for tea today. Got some strawberries and raspberries. No one is liking the raspberries though! So i've now given up picking them at all as I can't eat them all myself!
Bed time see's me snuggled up with some relaxing You Tube channel on TV and a book to read for a bit. No it's not snow it's some sparkles or something lol!
Thursday 1st July:
Today I write and get out Jessica's birthday invitations. Her birthday is just over 2 weeks away so now is a good time. On the way to school the sky was looking convective again. Don't think we will get any storms but should watch out for showers. Wonder if I can make it there and back without getting wet?! ... As it happens I managed so it was worth the gamble!
Friday 2nd July:
Bit of a boring week this update isn't it?!! Life becomes so samey with lockdown. All I do is go out to school and swimming lessons lol!
Today looked like the sun was going to come out so I ran for my sunbed. No sooner had I got there than the sky went from picture 1 to picture 2! I was not happy ...!!
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