This is going to be one of my shortest updates in a long time! Only have action from the Saturday. The Sunday nothing happened just dossing around!
Saturday 21st August:
Today starts with yet more chicken madness. They all come out on the patio and Sophie wants a hold. She dons a towel on her lap for poo protection and then holds the most friendly chicken. She sits there well happy for quite some time! For those of you that prefer a video here is on of both chickens:
Here is the mess that the chickens made! They escaped up the garden today to visit the flower borders!
We let them for 10 minutes or so to see how they faired.
Here is a video of one coming out from behind a bush:
After they were all put back away again I went up the garden. I was annoyed to see the blight had progressed further on my Tomatoes. Look how rotten they are grrr!
This one looked promising but when I picked it it was all mushy inside and floury
My pot sized Buddleia is doing awesomely. I had repotted this year and cut it right back. That long with a feed seems to have done it really well.
This import from the neighbours appears to be doing well still ...
This bush is doing well still too. Although the chickens seem to like it too and one has been eating the lower flower buds off it!
I have no update for Sunday 22nd as it was a lazy one. So i'm going to bang the weeks update in on this one too.
Monday 23rd August:
Jessica has been having pain in a tooth when eating so we had an emergency dentist appointment. We went on the bus and she had a small hole in her tooth between 2 teeth. He said it's where some food has been got stuck between so he filled it in in such a way that food shouldn't get stuck in the gap anymore. It was done quickly in 5 minutes and without any anaesthetic so that was good phew! He said he would have advised leaving it as it's a baby tooth but the tooth didn't look wobbly at all or like it was moving any time soon so he just filled it.
After this was done we went in the park for 20 minutes before we then went up for Mcdonalds for lunch and then a visit to the Cathedral. The Cathedral was spur of the moment and also to mark it up as another trip done on the holidays. Despite living in a city with a Cathedral I have never taken the girls in it. A family friend is in hospital so we light a candle for her. Upstairs in the Cathedral has a kids interaction section where they can design a stain glass window digitally and this is Jessica's. After the kids want an icecream before we go home on the bus again.
Tuesday 24th August:
The chickens make more mess of the flower border over the path and hubby buys and installs a chicken webcam ...
Wednesday 25th August:
Nothing exciting happened ...
Thursday 26th August:
Sophie wanted to take Peckers for a walk in the dolls pram! You can see how well that went here on video:
Followed by Peachy in the pram:
And ending with Speckledy!:
After we put the chickens away we noticed that Peachy was just standing around and not really doing anything. We watched her for a bit. She seemed to eat a bit and drink lots. Also put herself to bed so nothing too bad. She seems to have a lump on one side of her face Hmm will see how she is tomorrow.
Friday 27th August:
Hmmm peachy still isn't looking great. She is standing around a lot with her eyes closed. Although she is still eating a little and drinking a lot. Again putting herself to bed ok and getting up ok. Whatever it is it doesn't seem to be really, really bad but she clearly feels poorly. Maybe this lump is some kind of infection? We watch her for the rest of the day. Hopefully she will perk up because we go on holiday tomorrow and have someone else coming in to look after them. Don't want to have to lumber someone else with a poorly chicken. If she is still off in the morning we will ring the vets.
Here's a picture of Speckledy! Just because! She is head hen. Very vocal, pretty and totally cuuute. She's my girl! Who couldn't love that little face!
So that update covers a week! Going to stop it here so it doesn't get tooo long! I'm still doing well at catching up. I'm almost into September lol! Sitting in my bedroom tonight with 3 pretty candles on writing this and some essential oils. I put Lemon in but it was a tad tooooo strong so had to open the window and blow that one out lol!! Off to bed soon but will probably bag another half hour on my back machine first. I've had a headache all day so I want to try and break down the knots in the muscles some more. The tension is baaaaad! Right i'm off! Keep looking up all! Lots of love from The Mad House Xx
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