Wednesday, 20 October 2021

We go on holiday! Yippeee!

Ello Ello! Here's another blog update. This time we got on holiday! ... Eventually ... You'll see why ha!!

Saturday 28th August:

Sooo we wake up early to check on Peachy. We catch her with her head in the food. I haven't slept much all night worrying about the poor blinking chicken!! I'm certain it's a vet job. But we see her eating and drinking so wonder if all is ok after all. She is drinking a lot though. Does she have a fever?! Any way we vote for the vets as this is the best thing as she clearly isn't right. We leave for holiday late pm and the vets can see her at 12:30. So fingers crossed this should be enough time.

She has quite a mucky bum too so we bring her in to clean her up. She goes in the shower and then gets hair dried! Oh yes you have never seen a chicken being showered and hair dried before have you!? Well you have now in this 6 minute long video take by Sophie:

Once at the vets hubby rings me to say they are going to keep her and put her under a light anaesthetic of gas and air type so they can look in her mouth to see what's going on. She apparently wasn't up for it without being knocked out! They kept her until really late in the day. We got the call to pick her up around 530/6pm I think it was! She had been put back on the list because of emergencies that came in. Any way nothing stuck in her mouth or any obvious injury so it is presumed to be an abscess. She is now on a weeks worth of antibiotics that needs putting into the drinking water. Now this poses a problem! We won't be here! So we decide to come back daily for 2-3 days to administer the antibiotics and also check if she is getting better. We also have a webcam set up on the coop so we can log into this on holiday and watch her to see how she is going. Hubby shows the lady who is looking after her how much of the powder to put into the water and she takes over for the rest of the week. We aren't far as only in the new forest so the trip is relatively quick.

By this point it is very late so we can't go on holiday without feeding some kids. So hubby goes to shop to buy some ding meals for quickies before we leave. We then set off for holiday around 9pm I think it was? 

Sunday 29th August:

Well we wake up to hazy sunny morning and find our selves out on the decking having breakfast. We plan to get down the beach pronto as it is meant to be a nice warm day (20c!) with no wind so should be warm enough.

Here's a seagull balancing on top of this pole lol!

Speaking of birds we have the webcam on TV so we can watch on them to make sure they are ok

On the beach ...

I don't think I could ever tire of this view!

Sophie wanted me to put grass in her hair lol! 

We had a late lunch and chose chippy to share and took it down on the beach. It was gooooood!!

So here ends the start of the holiday update! I will cover the rest of the week in another one so it isn't too long. Keep looking up! Love The Mad House Xx

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