Friday, 8 October 2021

The chickens settle in! Time for chicken over load!!

Well hello! Here we are again then ... Time for another update! Gonna bang straight in there ... A standard week with nothing too exciting. The feathery girls are settling in well! ... There are lots of videos within this so make sure you have time set by to watch them. That's alongside the usual picture over load I send you lol!

Monday 9th August:

Well all the kids want to do is touch these chickens! They wanted to get in the run with them yesterday but we said no as they were new and getting used to us. Today we allowed them to climb in with them with some corn. We had to time it right though as it's a showery day. Absolutely threw it down at one point and the poor chooks were sheltered at the back on the tyre from the rain blowing in. 

Then the sun came back out so Speckledy had a woodchip bath lol! Video of her bath here:

It was soon time for chook holding practice. I don't want to hold them yet so hubby puts in the hard work lol! 

Holding Peckers and feeding corn: Video -

Holding Speckledy: Video -

Holding Peachy: Video -

So that's todays excitement over with! Onto Tuesday ...

Tuesday 10th August:

So we woke up to 3 yummy eggs today! Eggciting times! Eggcellent work chickens! You have eggcelled yourselves ... Ok enough of the puns! Although I am having a crackin' time - ha! 

Sophie wanted to have her lunch next to the run so she could watch her chooks! Ah cute!

Sophie discovered if she did hand clapping she could make Peckers do a bawk noise lol. She only did it a couple of times but it's in a video here:

The children were collecting grass to feed them and used a peg bucket to collect it in lol. 

Apparently chickens like pegs?! They were pecking at them lol

Sophie then got distracted by making some fake finger nails. They do look quite scary ...

The children then open the run top so they could try and stroke them 

Meanwhile I am trying to cook tea and have no carrots so up the garden I go ... They are small but do the job!

Whilst I am making tea hubby supervises the kids into the cage and corn feeding.

Here's the kids touching and feeding them on this video. (Have your sound off as hubby is on skype to someone lol) : . You can clearly see Jessica's hand flapping tics in this one too. Gets worse when excited.

In the evening - before bed - we played a game of Sophie's - Pairs. The kids loved it lol!

Wednesday 11th August:

A short update for today. The day started with the kids fetching the eggs from the hatch.

Meanwhile the chooks are happy in their run

There was more peg play from the kids today. They made a big long row of them. This left mummy somewhat short during the laundry hanging today!

One of the chickens laid an egg and did the egg song. Annoyingly she stopped as I went out but got a couple of bawks on video:

Thursday 12th August:

Not much going on today either - me folding laundry - ever a delight ...!

Meanwhile in chicken land ... Hubby feeds them all corn by hand and they go mad for it on this video:

And the children got sat on all at once by the chickens in their quest for corn LOL in this video:

Friday 13th August:

Nothing new to note on this day just standard day of housework, feeding kids, tidy up, repeat! 

This weekend we plan to do some chicken run maintenance so will update on that in the next update!

Hope your not feeling all bombarded with these updates. I'm trying to catch up but not doing too well lol! Time to start writing the next one before bed ... Won't do too much though as I have a headache tonight but wanna try and stay on top of these. Right sleep well/have a good day all! Lots of love from The Mad House Xx

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