Right time to back track a little closer now. We have caught up to the beginning of March now! This was a boring week. Nothing exciting happened. The last week of school lockdown for us so I was determined to get us all up early for zoom meetings at 9am every day. I say early - My alarm went off at 830 - I snoozed for 10. Spent 5 minutes reading news/pm's/facebook to wake up a bit. I then woke the kids at 8:45. Jess pretty good and goes straight down after putting a jumper on. Sophie I have to practically murder to get out of bed lol. She's like her mother for sure!! I take her out by the hand dragging her up after taking her duvet away lol. We go to Jessica's bed which is a single so a bit bigger - and snuggle together udner her duvet. Really savouring these last moments of holding these chubby cute little hands and having that smiling face next to mine. Alarm goes off again at 9am and we rush down to log into zoom ending up 2 minutes late. But it's ok they are doing registers lol!!Sophie has jim jams on so not naked LOL!! So here we go ...
Monday 1st March:
Every day on the schooling front will be the same. We log into zoom at 9am. English for Sophie and Maths for Jess. Then 9:50 Jess logs back in for Maths 2 - marking work just done. (or not if I can't get her to do it because it's boooring or too hard!). After this we have breakfast before zooms. 10:45 Sophie logs back in for Maths and 11am Jess logs back in for English. She is independent on this so once Sophie is finished with Maths I run upstairs for a bit more nap nap!! Kids go onto You tube and frequently harass mummy or daddy when wanting anything. Mummy gets up and wakes with Coffee then tidies around kitchen before making lunch. We had a late breakfast around 10am so this is usually around 2pm+. Whenever someone is hungry really! Whoever complains first lol. The rest of the day is just housework and being lazy! Here is Jessica's English and Maths. For some reason I didn't take any pictures of any of Sophie's stuff on any day I don't think! Dunno why ...
Sophie used some packing from the boxes my garden stuff was in. Put it on the floor and was jumping around on it. She was very energetic and driving me mad so I told her to go and get dressed and go to the shop with daddy for something. She came down saying she was going on a date so she has dressed up for him! He wasn't impressed with the idea of a date with his daughter - tbh he isn't keen on dates full stop!! But I thought it was cute!! I read somewhere that dads should date their daughters by taking them out for a meal in a father/daughter sense. And model how a man should treat a girl to prepare her. Food for thought ...
Mummy spends the evening writing to the blog. Kids don't go down early - around 1030pm - So it was later in the evening,
Tuesday 2nd March:
Jessica was not putting any effort into this clock work - I dunno if she couldn't be bothered or it was too hard for her. She is definitely finding clocks hard still though!
Wednesday 3rd March:
2 more days of this schooling hell to go ... Hanging on by the skin of my teeth ... They don't wanna do any paperwork. I don't wanna fight over the paperwork. No one can be btoerhed any more!
Sophie wrote a story (looks like I did take a picture after all!).
Jess fights with times again ... :-(
And does battle which is waaay out of mummy's understanding!
The kids then go onto Roblox after ... and actually play nicely together!! I'm off for a cat nap quick whilst there is peace!
Mummy ends the day with another blog post. After getting kids in bed a bit earlier - 10pm .. We have progress ... Slow and steady!
Thursday 4th March:
Jess does battle wtih times maths work again. Looks like they will be doing more work with her on this later ...!Plus some English i've never heard of ... I'm not very learn-ed! I scrapped through primary school and came out secondary on an ok-ish level! I dunno if i'm just dumb or I just don't remember all this stuff that you never used once you left school lol!
Sophie decided to "make cakes" using water and cornflower. She even put it in a tin lol! I sooo love cornflower. Feels sooo nice!
Sophie did some crafting in front of the TV. Don't have a picture of the finished article as it was basically just a green hill lol.
Mummy found a mirror that Sophie had made whilst tidying her room! Using tin foil ... Impressive! I love kids imaginations!
Friday 5h March:
Well we made it! The last day of home schooling! Thank the Lord for that!! How I made it through with my sanity intact I shall never know!! That said there is still a tinged of sadness that I most likely will never see them interacting with their teachers in this way again. A window into a secret world. I was privileged. I feel sadness to see them go back as I have loved family time - all together safe in our cocoon. But I won't miss trying to get them to do work! I dunno its been worse this time by miles. Last time we had fun creating, walking, picnicing, taking learning into the garden and outside. It was much, much better and more fun. The weather wasn't on our side this time. How I have made it though in one sane intact person I have no idea. It was definitely affecting my mental heath for sure and I could not do it a 3rd time!!! So here we are ... Sophie's last zoom lesson ... and a kiss goodbye to these books!
Or almost goodbye!! Mummy had to spend the weekend evenings sticking in this wad of work first with pritt stick ready to send back on Monday!!
Check on the kids at bedtime and get faced with this cute little face!!! Aaaaaah!! She's delish!!
Right that's it for this update! I won't do another until the weekend now! Hope your all doing well! This week is going fast! Which is good as the weekend looks to be nice weather so you'll all know where I will be and what i'll be up to!! And if you don't well you'll have to wait for the update! Keep looking up all. Lots of love The Mad House Xx
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