So we are at the end of week 2 back at school. We are well are truely back into the swing of things and all?! are happy to be back. Ok me and Sophie lol. But J seems to be doing ok tbh! This week seems to have sped by which is a good thing. I am still spending 3 hours of every week day napping when the kids are back, I have tried to set my alarm half hour earlier to get up but seem to find myself just snoozing it and having just another 10 minutes nap! LOL. Gah! I did manage it one day though with only 1 snooze so I guess 1 is better than nothing. Maybe I need to trick my brain with moving the clock back by only 5 minutes each day or something?! So what else has happened this week? Well honestly I can't remember! Just slow and steady I think! Nothing to note really. I haven't even taken hardly any pictures so this week is going to be boring when I write it up LOL! So lets go back to the first weekend in March.
Saturday 6th March:
So what did I do today? Can anyone guess? It's officially Spring (metrologically so that's good enough for me ...) and time to stretch and wake up like a butterfly creeping out of its cocoon. Well that's one way to put it lol!! Here's a clue ...
Yes that's is it! It's officially garden time of year! So I will be trying to get out every weekend that the weather allows me to. These gloves are awesome. £3 I think they were - from Wilkinsons. Fleece lined gardening gloves. They are really good and warm. So glad I got them! Here's the link for anyone who wants to keep warm hands outside!
So first job was to check that the rose I cut back last week was still looking dead and looks good for deadness so far! It's as shame we can't remove it but it's not our fence to take down to do it.
I forgot to take before's of this bush but here's the afters! Took it quite far back and dug out some dead wood.
Same on this one forgot the before pic but took a fair bit off the bottom where it was coming out over the border.
A little Robin - Bobbin' - Was sat here and just as I clicked ... He went!
However fear not! I caught him here!!
Here's my cuttings and gear ... Will get hubby to do a tip trip with this lot and put some behind some bushes to try and create a small nature corner where it's out the way.
I was only out here for 45 minutes or so but it was enough to gradually get back into the swing of things. I came in and had a rest and some food then went into Sophie's room. Need to see the back of wardrobe gate. I want my weekends free for gardens and don't want to be tied to internal projects. So I start by emptying the top of her wardrobe into the top of Jessica's in her room. Yes I know this is making more work as I will need to move the stuff out Jessica's wardrobe again before moving to Sophie's but I don't have time to do it all this weekend. I want to make some progress though and the purpose of this is to sort it. Sort what will stay by putting into Jessica's and sort a sell or loft pile into another of old baby stuff. I still have cot sheets and duvets in here! She is in a toddler bed that should last her for another year! And this has a cot duvet on it. It's quite big and the duvet covers still fit so getting the use out of it whilst we can!!I threw away a few boxes and instructions for old stuff that I won't sell. The baby monitors are being used in both kids rooms still. They use for light and music. I tried to wean Jess off it and onto another music thing but she likes it lol! It is good in all fairness in case someone is sick and we can use the monitor for them to call down to me if I'm downstairs or something when ill. So here is half way through emptying the top and after ... The sheets and stuff in the bottom that I moved over too. And then a piccie of J's wardrobe after it moved over.
In the evening I wrote to the blog and then played Roblox! Jess introduced me to the washing machine simulator in a laundrette. I appear to have become somewhat addicted LOL!
Sunday 7th March:
Today I carried on my Sunday tradition of trying to do some calming and me time in the week. So I pulled out the Crochet and had a go and learning it more. Today's project is double crochet but I still keep loosing stitches gah! My first attempt cast on is very messy too!
Attempt 2 was slightly more neater on the cast on and above - Still loosing stitches though!
Attempt 3 was slightly better but needs work on the tension. So that's it for this weekend. A quiet affair but relaxing. Working my stamina up carefully with garden work as I do every year increasing the time spent out there. Nothing else to report here so I will log off here and leave you all in peace. Have a fab, relaxing weekend. Get out in nature if you can! Chin up and keep looking up to the skies. Lot's of love from The Mad House Xx
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