Sorry sorry! I am long over due a blog update! Especially when I had been posting daily. I've had a reaaally rough week mentally. A combination of waiting for my VERY late period and the current in events in the world that seem to last fooorever have all had me feeling very wobbly. No i'm not upduffed before you all start getting excited. There will be no more babies from the stale womb! I am convinced I am perimenopausal. I usually run around a 24 day cycle since about a year after having Sophie. But this month I maxed out at 33 days. I was a going a little mad as to where it had gone but emotions also made me know full well it was on the way! After digging around it would appear some family history is that we can start perimenopause around late 30's. I started having symptoms around 36. Mostly from super heavy periods that were so bad they made me highly anaemic. Thankfully that got started and I am still taking iron so the PMDD I was suffering is a lot more under control. I still have some mad months where I am a raging witch but to completely loose it is now rarely thankfully for all!!! However I am dry as a desert, still hormonally emotional, heavy periods, - that I take Tranexamic acid for - and night hot flushes! Now anyone that knows me knows that I am a tiny, petite, skinny thing! I am always cold - esp by day - by night I am a heater. Hubby doesn't like cuddling up to me much in bed as he burns himself on me LOL! The worst time is early morning so from 4/5am onwards. Could be because the heating comes on around then but that's only when the temperature has dropped to 19c! I tend to sleep under a very thin blanket or a empty duvet cover and in shorts and t-shirt. So when summer comes I might just die! Not like I can take my skin off is it? Very tmi some might say - Well in my view anything but! How many women have reached menopause starting age and know absolutely nothing about it or any symptoms??! We get taught about the starting of periods and the like in school but we know nothing about the stopping of periods! There is nothing taboo about any of this - It's just yet another body function that we all have to go through and deal with - unless of course you don't have a womb :-) I was going to say sorry for boring you men - but actually I'm not! The more you know the more you can understand your woman if and when you have one. Knowledge is power! Here is a helpful reading sheet for you men. Written by the amazing Diane Danzebrink who is a menopause expert and counsellor:
Any way enough about my desert and stale womb!!What else have we been up to? Well apart from hating the world and wishing it would change not a massive amount. I always seem to say this and yet am able to write lots lol! I'll try and go through day by day.
Monday - A school day. Hard to get the kids going but we managed in the end. Can't remember much else about it other than we got all the work done. I was much harder on Sophie so she had to get on with it lol. Here's some pics:
I made a new weekly sheet I can print off to save writing things up. Only I forgot to write out the day and the childs name for each list - oops! Will amend tomorrow for the new week. Carried over is things I can use weekly to make sure they get on X every week then cross it off and get them on something else. EG- Reading eggs, Times tables rockstar etc.
I set Jess some suffixes instead of comprehension for English for a change. And gave her some school Maths from one of the zoom meetings - Symmetry.
Then we moved on to Times tables and Spellings. I have been writing TT's out for her but found a login sheet in the folder for Times tables rockstar. So plan to get her back on this too! I also gave her some number sentence work
I then put her on the Oak Academy for some more Symmetry - this is the government made online learning but she found it too boring and left it. We ended by letting her have a little go on some games. She had to match an animal to its name and to it's features - eg feathers, 2 feet etc. Bit basic but want some variety to our days!
Ok Sophie did 1 side of sentence ordering. Then onto Maths and numbers 11&12.
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