Monday, 18 January 2021

Sunny Sunday! Oh yes it was!

Sunny Sunday started ... Well Sunny! Will be the last we see of that for some time as we are getting lots of rain this week incoming! 

Today was ... Wait for it! Waaaaait for it!! ... A lazy one! You couldn't see that one coming could ya!? I try to keep Sunday's low key and restful to recharge batteries ready for the next week. 

I got up late - nice lie in - I say nice the usual of many kid disruptions one of which was both kids coming in and jumping on me and telling me to giddy up and I was a pony?! My response wasn't very polite as I was literally woken from my sleep! Plus the requests of can I wake Sophie up now? And something else that i've forgotten lol! Any way I got up and breakie at - a far too late - in the afternoon time! After breakies and the usual laptop stuff I got a bath going. Hot water ran out so had to get hubby to bring up 2 kettles worth of heat for me! And put the immersion heater on. I used my new seaweed bath bombs and Israel dead sea salt in my bath! I got both for Christmas. Was quite a surprise going to the cupboard as I had forgotten I even had them! Managed to bath with only 2-3 visits from kids and no requests to get in with me! Miracle! That said if they keep this up (it's the second time!) I will start missing them and asking them to get in with me instead! 

Got out, dressed, brushed hair and sprayed in my hair conditioner. Then went down and made snacks/late lunch for me/everyone! The kids like to make their own lunch but it doesn't usually include a sandwich so they have most food and a sandwich or snack later when I make mine. After lunch I decided to read some more of my Nigel Slaters Christmas Chronicles. There are only 2 chapters left now so I will polish both off next week then I will need to find a new book to read won't I!? 

I finished up todays date in the book then took my knitting downstairs to join the others. I knitted a tail and 2 eyes.

Then it was time to start sewing him up! So started with his body the biggest bit.

There he is! I'm doing the left one which is knitted. The right one is crocheted. (I am yet to learn crochet! Got all the bits at Christmas though so super excited! Once doggy is done I will get on the case! I have a book of crocheted flowers and would like to learn so I can make some to decorate the house at Spring time. I'm sure this won't happen though - Or at least not this year!!)

Stopped for a cuddle with this little monkey!

Once I had sewn the body up Jess filled it up for with stuffing. She quite enjoyed that little job.

The before tea I managed to fill and stuff his head, and 2 front legs too. Got everything sewed on. He looks nothing like the pictures LOL! My knitting never does ...!! Didn't get time to take any piccies of the finished bits as tea was ready - Roast chicken cooked by hubby with vienetta icecream after - Yum Yum!!

After tea me and the kids played Mouse Trap. Anyone remember this old classic? Half the pieces are broken though so I had to hold up the plumbing when the crank was turned so it would work LOL!!!

I tried to take a video and hold up the plumbing all in one go but the man didn't jump in the bath and make the cage come down on me LOL! I was under the cage and Jessica had landed on Turn the Crank to catch me! I'll put a link to the video on You Tube here:

Here's some piccies of us/it though.

Sunday evening was spent school planning. Mostly easy as Sophie still has last Monday's work she didn't do all of last week! I'm going to get tougher tomorrow on her so we shall see how it goes! ...

For Jess I planned: 

English) Suffixes S and ES revision.

Maths) Equivalent number families. So 2+1 = 4-1. Meaning the sum before the = has the same answer as the one after the equal so they are both = to the same answer. I tried these with her last year but it was way over her head. 

Spellings) With words like: woman, occasionally, and accidentally (she keeps only putting one L!)

Times tables) 7x4, 8x4, 9 x4, and then the full 5 Xs. I'm checking her right from the 1X all the way through lol.

A fun game on the computer matching animal picture to its name to how many legs it has and facts like furry, stingers etc

Some Oak academy work on Symmetry which is school set work from last week.

And maybe some craft or something after.

I've set a fair bit so we shall see how we go!

Right i've written this Sunday night but as you've had a post out of me today I won't spam you twice in one day! For those that missed it it's over here and about a very busy Saturday yesterday!!:

So any way yes as i've written to you all before today I will post this tomorrow sometime during the day again.

Have a good day/night all! Chin up and keep looking up! Just mind you don't get too wet in the rain ha!
Lots of love to all - From the mad house! Xx

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